Paula Benedi Founder of Synergised Recommendations on How To Reduce Our Exposure To Toxins

  1. Natural Household Products

    The products that are most commonly used to clean our clothes and surfaces often contain toxic and harsh ingredients that our bodies then have to work hard to process and get rid of from our system. It is better to use cleaner and more natural household products such as ones from the brands below.

2. Non-toxic Cooking Utensils

Brands that are non-stick are extremely toxic. The common household brand Teflon uses materials which are carcinogenic and can cause cancer.

It is better to look for Ceramic cookware or Cast Iron cookware. Cast Iron is particularly good for women due to the iron levels.

Brand Recommendation:

Our Place produces gorgeous non toxic ceramic cookware in amazing colours which will completely change the way you cook at home

3. Clean filtered water

Water that comes from our taps is full of metals, chlorine and elements that we shouldn’t be drinking. Therefore either you want to buy bottled water from a glass bottle or you buy a filter jug or system and filter your water at home.

Below are a few recommendations for water filters that you could use at home:

Uses re-fillable cartridges that doesn’t promote throwing away plastic filters on a regular basis. Signing up to the filter system on subscription also reminds you that you need to change the filter so you always have clean filtered water.

One of the most popular water filter brands

4. Reduce plastic

Try and reduce the amount of plastic you use. Here are some tips in order to help you do so

  • Shop in farmers markets to reduce the plastic packaging that is then stored in the fridge

  • Use glass Tupperware over plastic

  • Don’t drink from the plastic lids on coffee cups due to the heat melting the microplastics which you then drink

  • Don’t drink from plastic bottles

  • Try and avoid food that is stored in plastic, if it is then decant it when you get home into your Tupperware

5. Organic and Grass Fed Animal products

People think it is a luxury to eat Organic and Grass Fed and Grass Finished animal products but actually it shouldn’t just be a luxury. Eating non-organic means that you are consuming all the hormones that the animal was pumped with in order to be a bigger animal and therefore sold at a bigger price. You are then consuming all those hormones into your body.

Spend the extra money on good quality produce

6. Organic Fruit and Veg

Reduce your exposure to pesticides, either buy organic or wash your fruit and veg with a veggie wash in order to remove all the pesticides.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables

These vegetables are really good for you due to being rich in nutrients and therefore help to detoxify the body.

Examples of these:




Brussel Sprouts


… to name a few!

8. Sleep

I am not going to start telling you how good sleep is as we know this by now! But all I am going to say is that it is great to help your body detoxify from the night before, the rest helps your body reset for the day ahead and so trying to get at least 7 hours is really important. A tip to help you sleep better is to eat your dinner ideally 3 hours before you sleep in order for your body to focus on detoxifying rather than digesting


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