How to Manifest with Roxy Marrone

5 Steps to Manifestation

  1. Raise your vibration

    The world is made up of energy and energy is the most powerful thing around us, therefore to bring positive energy into your life you also have to be giving off positive energy as positives attract.

  2. Letting go

    In order to bring new positives into your life you have to let go and move on from negatives that no longer serve you. You need to go through a process of letting go, forgiving and forgetting and moving on. This could be forgiving yourself as well as other people. You can’t hold onto negative baggage, you have to get rid of them in order to make space for what you want and need in your life

  3. What do you want

    Make sure you are clear on what you want! Don’t let fear or self-doubt stop you from achieving and striving for what you desire. You must be super clear exactly what you are looking for in order to manifest it properly into your life

  4. Visualise it

    Once you are clear on what you want, you have to actually see it happening. Visualise yourself in the life you are striving for, paint the picture in your head. Seeing is believing so if you can’t see it then it won’t happen

  5. Gratitiude/ Affirmation/ Be Thankful

    Say your gratitudes and be thankful for what’s around you! Good things come to good people and so saying out loud what you are grateful for and affirming your own worth will create the space and the positive energy for the right things to come your wat


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