Emily Champion’s Recommendations for Gut Health and Skin Care

Emily has been through her fair share of Gut Health and Skin issues which she openly shares on in her episode with us! However, if like me you listen to your podcast on the go whether that’s in the car or commuting, you don’t have time to take notes on any of the tips and recommendations and so in this blog post I will be sharing any of the tips and tricks that she gives us on how she overcame her journey

Gut Health:

Nutritionist - Going to see a professional should be your first point of call when you think you have Gut Health or Nutrition problems. Otherwise, you could spend so much time trying to self-diagnose and also spend a lot of money on different products and supplements when actually if you spend a little bit more up front by going to see someone, they can point you in the right direction and get you the products and solutions you need in order to look and feel better.

Supplements - JS Health Detox and Debloat and Hair and Energy
These supplements are often advertised on social media and this is because they ACTUALLY work and are good! I have always been sceptical on supplements as I like to get everything from food and in a natural way. However, with these supplements, I honestly notice such a difference and Emily found the same too, especially with the detox and debloat.

Stress and Happiness - These hugely play into your gut health and digestion! Your gut is your second brain so if you’re not happy and or stressed your body will struggle to digest your food properly! Look into trying to remove any stress from your diet


A good deep facial - Elenique Skin Clinic is fantastic and based in Fulham - check out her website here

Elenique is a professional skin care clinic where she specialises in non-surgical facials using high-end equipment. She uses top-of-the-range products as well as walking you through a plan that results in you getting the skin of your dreams. She is fairly expensive at around £180 a facial but when you are needing a good deep clean, she is the person to go to.

Natural - Look into natural remedies and your diet. Often we can try strong medications hoping they will be strong enough to get rid of acne or other skin conditions but actually, anti-biotics or other strong medications can often affect your gut health and aren’t the way forward.

Products - Water and Gel based products are lighter than creams - Micellar Water - Cleansing balms and clean towels or tissues - Less is more!


Hertility - Normalising checking your fertility is so important ahead of even thinking about trying for children. With all the contraception we use it is hard to know how our hormones are doing, therefore by using Hertility you can check in with your hormones and fertility status cost-effectively and easily at home. Check them out here


Paula Benedi Founder of Synergised Recommendations on How To Reduce Our Exposure To Toxins


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