Melissa Tattam’s Go To Products, Recipes and Food spots!

Melissa’s passion is health and wellness. She has educated herself on how to live the healthiest, cleanest and most toxin-free lifestyle and she shares all her recommendations with us today.

Quick Fire:

Sweet or Savoury? Sweet

Juicy Burger or Overloaded Salad? Juicy Burger

Go to Cuisine? Italian

Cook in or Eat Out? Eat Out

Go To Deliveroo? Huo, Chelsea - Recommendation: Gluten Free Pad Thai

Food Product Recommendations:

The Best Coconut water - Kooks Coconut water

Collagen - Well Easy (Own Brand) - Grass Fed and Grass Finished Collagen

Coffee - Melissa’s Go-To Coffee of choice is Exhale and then she adds a dash of cinnamon to try and reduce the spike

MCT Powder and Oil - Hunter and Gather

Milk of choice - Melissa isn’t against consuming dairy but tries to drink the best quality milk she can get her hands on. At the moment that is from Estate Dairy which you can find here

Beauty and Health care products:

Floss - PSA free

PARLA - Sustainable floss and other dental care (To receive 10% off your order use the code GEORGIASYMONDS)

Toothpaste - Melissa goes Flouride free - however make sure your not using blue toothpaste

Beauty practices:

Oil Pulling - Using Coconut Oil take a tbsp Coconut Oil and swish it around your mouth for 15/20 minutes before you do your teeth

Tongue Scraper - You can find one similar to the one Melissa described here

Salt before water - Taking a grain of celtic salt under the tongue before you drink water

Specialists to follow or speak to:

Pippa Campbell - Female Hormone Health Specialist

Bobby Quereshi - Gut Health Specialist

London Bakery Recommendations:

Layla - for the best Pain Au Chocolate

Bread Ahead - for the best Pistachio Pain Au Chocolate or Almond Croissant

Gails - for the best Almond Croissant


Gut Health Recommendations from Jon Walsh Co-Founder of Bio&Me


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