Gut Health Recommendations from Jon Walsh Co-Founder of Bio&Me

Quick Fire:

Sweet or Savoury? Sweet in the morning, savoury in the evening

Juicy Burger or Overloaded Salad? Overloaded Salad

Go To Cuisine? Thai

Cook In or Eat Out? Eat Out

Go To Deliveroo? Pad Thai

How to improve your Gut Health:

  • Eat more plants - they say that you should aim to eat 30 plants a week and this includes fresh herbs, spices

  • Delicious diversity - This is key as every different microorganism in our gut feeds off of different plants and therefore diversity is really important

  • Fermented Foods (kimchi, kefir, kombucha, tempeh) - these are full of live organisms which top up your gut bacteria and keep it healthy. The key is to eat chilled fermented foods as this keeps them alive.

  • Focus on prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics talk about the fibre and probiotics focuses on the live and active cultures. If you can consume both of those then you are on the right track to having a good and healthy gut.


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