How To Glow From The Inside Out

Quick Fire:

Sweet or Savoury: Savoury

Juicy Burger or Overloaded Salad: Overloaded Salad

Cook in or Eat Out: Cook In

Go To Cuisine: Japanese

Go To Deliveroo: Pho

After a toxic period of binge eating, binge drinking and unhealthy habits Izzy hit rock bottom after hearing that her mum had early on set Alzheimers and decided that she wanted to make a change and embarked on a journey of transformation. She made simple sustainable changes that she could stick with consistently and in return has completely turned her life around.

Here are some of her tips on how to live and be the best version of you, she calls it the “glow up” and this glow is an internal glow that resonates throughout.

Izzys’ Glow Up Tips:

  1. Environment - Be honest with yourself and ask yourself some important questions:

    Do the people you surround yourself with make you feel good?

    Does your work environment make you feel good?

    Do you feel at home in your space?

    If your not happy in your environment make the changes accordingly

  2. Excercise - You want something that you can do consistently and something that fits into your lifestyle so make sure it is what you enjoy! “Find what you love and do more of it”

    Whether that is dancing, pilates, trampolining or football - it doesn’t matter as long as it is movement

    You don’t have to join a run club just because everyone else is!

    But you need to show up consistently in order to feel good and make a change

  3. Love yourself - Although this sounds spiritual, if you can’t love yourself you won’t be able to love anyone else. Also if your happy in your own skin it shows and so be honest with yourself and be comfortable and happy in your own company. Get to a place where you don’t need validation from anyone else because you have it from yourself

  4. Food - Izzy is not a nutritionist and didn’t share her own personal diet, however she mentioned that there is no diet that is going to change your life as it isn’t consistent. Long-Term consistency is the aim and so find what works for you! But eating three delicious and nutritious meals everyday is important for your mind, body and spirit.

  5. The de-bloat tips - there are three drinks that you need to know about if you struggle with bloating.

    1. Water - So many of us are dehydrated and the power of water is incredible - it flushes your system, it nourishes your skin and it is the most obvious healthy hack that so many of us are bad at.

    2. Peppermint Tea - It helps hugely with digestion and if you do get bloated this eases any uncomfort

    3. Dandelion Tea - It massively helps with water retention

  6. Habit Stacking - Add new habits onto existing habits! For example, if you want to listen to positive affirmations but don’t have the time and keep forgetting, listen to them whilst you clean your teeth so you link what you already do to what you want to do. Therefore those 2 minutes can be utilised! (as an example)

If you change your habits it can change your life!


How To Live An Ancestral Lifestyle with Jeff and Amy Co-Founders of Hunter and Gather


Gut Health Recommendations from Jon Walsh Co-Founder of Bio&Me