How To Live An Ancestral Lifestyle with Jeff and Amy Co-Founders of Hunter and Gather

Quick Fire:

Cook In or Eat Out: Both - Cook In

Go to Restaurant in London: Jeff - Beast Amy - Flat Iron (they do her favourite Beef Tallow Chips) or outside of London Amy loves Antidote in Ilfracombe

Go To Deliveroo: They don’t do Deliveroo

Go To Cuisine: Jeff: French Amy: Asian inspired

Go To Fridge or Cupboard Staple: Jeff - Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese Amy - Coconut Aminos

What is your favourite dish to cook at home: They both love reverse-seared rib-eye steak

Let’s start with defining what an Ancestral Lifestyle is?

It focuses on different pillars of health and diet is one of them! The others are movement, sleep and community!

Diet - The way to think about the Ancestral lifestyle is to think back in time to what our ancestors would have thrived on and it wasn’t ultra-processed foods or modern agriculture. Instead, it focuses on animal regenerative agriculture and food products that have been consumed for thousands of years and are minimally processed.

Types of foods that the ancestral lifestyle loves:

Protein: Organic and Lean meats and fish and eggs

Vegetables: Organic Vegetabeles

Fats: Avocado, Cheese and Nuts and Seeds

Dairy: Raw and Unprocessed dairy

Oils: Ghee, Tallow, Avocado Oil and Coconut Oil

Sleep - We are now exposed to so much more Blue Light which we wouldn’t have been exposed to previously which is affecting our sleep. Following an Ancestral lifestyle would mean reducing this by minimising screen time in the evenings before bed and also using blue light glasses which reduce the glare.

We are also consuming caffeine a lot later in the day and so the ancestral lifestyle would promote consuming caffeine earlier.

Community - Ancestrally community would be a huge part of day-to-day living but nowadays we are so connected via social media but so disconnected at the same time so following this lifestyle you would focus on other ways to create community around you!

Movement - Trying to move your body as much as you can but conducive to what our body wants. Is it right to put our bodies through huge stress and strain late at night after work? Maybe the answer is no!

Modern Hacks to live more Ancestrally:

Earthing mats - To keep yourself grounded, especially if you are living in a flat where you don’t have a garden. It is important to get your feet on the ground. Check it out here

We have also found a grounding mat for your beds which is a great way to be connected to the earth whilst you sleep - check it out here

Blue Light Glasses - This my favourite brand - here

Brands such as Hunter and Gather - they provide amazing condiments, sauces, and supplements that follow the ancestral lifestyle

If you are wanting to move towards an ancestral lifestyle and need more guidance on what does and doesn’t fit with it. Ask yourself the question - would my ancestors have eaten, used or done this? If the answer is yes then it is part of the ancestral lifestyles

Further Reading:

  • Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes - check it out

  • Nutritional and Physical Regeneration by Weston. A Price - check it out

  • Seed Oil Article - why are seed oils so bad? check out this article here


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