2024 Favourite Products and Habits

Happy New Year!

This year is going to be a great year and I’m not sure if this is me manifesting it or if I just have a good feeling but I am feeling really excited about the year ahead!

I thought I would share some of the products that I am going into the year loving and using in my everyday in order to keep my habits consistent and in order to feel the best version of myself!

At the end of this article I am also going to share my New Years Resolutions in order to keep myself accountable and also maybe inspire you to make yours if you haven’t already

  1. JS Health Vitmains

Supplements and vitamins are one of the things that I want to stay more consistent with and invest more time into this year.

I truly believe that the supplements from JS Health work and I currently take:

  1. Hair and Energy (Daily)

  2. Probiotic (Daily)

  3. Detox and Debloat (As and when I need to)

2. The Productivity Planner

I used these last year and I am sharing them this year! I am a list person and this has changed the game for me! I have both the online Notion one for setting goals and keeping on track in the bigger picture and then I have the physical planner for day to day and I genuinely feel so productive as a result

3. Good Reads App

I often find that we are constantly looking at screens and so have set myself the challenge of reading 12 books this year and this app is going to help me keep track of what I have read as well as introduce me to the next read

4. Current Body LED Mask

For all those skincare girlies (and men!) I have used this for years and it was the best thing I bought during lockdown. I always notice great results when using and it is the best way to look after your skin at home

5. This Works Sleep Candle

2023 was the year where we all learnt why sleep is so important for our health and 2024 is the year that I implement it. I am very good when it comes to eating 30+ plants a week, i exercise everyday, but sleep is the one area which can often be neglected and so getting into a good routine including using products from this brand is how I am building up a good sleep routine

My other resolutions for 2024…

  • I have already mentioned investing in supplements, reading 12 books and focusing on sleep

  • I want to host more social events in my flat. I absolutely love hosting and cooking for people and so I am going to be hosting at least 4 parties/get-togethers in my flat.

  • Complete a challenge - my challenge this year is the London Landmark Half Marathon which I am going to do with my brother

  • Travel - I didn’t travel as much last year and exploring new cultures is a passion of mine. This year Istanbul and Milan is on the list!


Emily Champion’s Recommendations for Gut Health and Skin Care


Deliveroo Recommendations