How to speak to someone about their Eating Disorder by Lisa Unger

Remember eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not anyone's fault. Often people with eating disorders deny or don’t realise there’s a problem, but that doesn’t mean they’re not ill.

It’s important to speak to someone if you feel like they are struggling, but how you go about speaking to them is extremely important due to it being such a sensitive topic.

Lisa has shared a few top tips on the best way to approach the topic in order to get the best reaction and outcome.

  • If you recognise signs that someone is struggling with an eating disorder, approach them with compassion and kindness 

  • Inform yourself about eating disorders and think about what you want to say in advance

  • Remember to express your concerns without judgement or blame

  • Explain why you are concerned without listing too many reasons as this may feel judged. Don’t focus on food and weight, wherever possible, instead focus on their personality, the fact that you miss them or don’t feel that they are as happy as they should be.

  • Don’t react if they get angry or defensive. Just reassure them that you care about them

  • Encourage professional help and offer to help them in finding resources, if appropriate

  • Don’t be discouraged if they don’t want your support. Try again in a few weeks! Don’t take it personally as this is part of the battle


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