Melissa Tattams’ Health and Wellness Recommendations

Melissa joined me in the kitchen to share what she loves and what she uses to feel her best

“Every aspect of my life I try and make as clean, as healthy and as pure as I possibly can”

Eating organically reduces the amount of pesticides you consume and also increases the amount of nutrients that you get from your food. Although eating organically is an investment, once you make that decision to invest in your health there are so many benefits for both your body and the environment.

Anti-inflammatory - Melissa avoids plastics as best she can and therefore buys everything in glass. She also never stores anything plastic in her fridge. If she does buy something that comes in plastic when she gets home she takes it out of the plastic and decants it into other containers. She will never put anything that comes in plastic in the oven. She also recommends always taking the plastic lids off your coffee cups as the heat from the coffee melts the micro-plastics on the lid and then you consume them when you drink your coffee.

Water Filters - Tap water is full of hormones, chemicals and pesticides and although a lot of it has been removed, you just don’t know what you are consuming. Therefore Melissa has installed a reverse osmosis system in her house (it costs about £500) which takes out hormones, chemicals and heavy metals and then it adds minerals and electrolytes back into your water.

If you are looking for a cheaper option Georgia recommends the Phox Filter (£39.99) which is an eco-filter jug consisting of granules that you add to the jug rather than a plastic filter. This is more sustainable as you are not chucking away plastic filters on a regular basis and also your water isn’t passing through plastics in the filter process, instead, it is passing through granules which removes the hard water, nickel, copper and other nasties and adds in magnesium and other minerals.

Beeswax candles - There are so many microplastics and chemicals that can be in some candles that Melissa will only have candles that are made from Beeswax in her home

Pink Himalayan Salt - Melissa adds a flake of salt on your tongue, let it dissolve and then drink your glass of water. This helps re-mineralise and also helps your body absorb the water and therefore it is more hydrating.

Veggie Wash - spray this over your fruit and vegetables before you wash them to remove the layer of bacteria, wax and other germs that have built up on your fruit and vegetables through the supermarket process or the journey it has taken before getting to your house.

Supplements - (This is personalised and everyone should make sure they have had a test done to know what there body needs rather than copying others)

Melissa takes: NAC Glucathyone - Probiotics - Vitamin D - Vitamin B Complex - Radiance supplement - Detox Tablets - all of these have been recommended by Pippa Campbell

Skincare - Top brands: Ren, Tata Harper, Caudalie and for SPF Green People

Also download the YUKA app in order to know what is in your skincare products to make sure you are using the cleanest products

Other Product Recommendations - ECOVER - great for cleaning products as it contains no toxic ingredients


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