Finding Your Safe Space With Julius Cowdrey

Quick Fire:

Cook In or Eat Out: Cook In

Favourite Restaurant in London: Gold, Notting Hill

Go to Deliveroo: Nandos

Go to Cuisine: Greek

Go to Fridge or Cupboard Staple: Marmite

Go to dish to cook at home: Scrambled Eggs

What simple steps can you implement today to better your mental health?

You need to think of yourself as a business and determine what is profiting you and what is not.

What makes you feel better and what doesn’t - how can you do more of what makes you feel good and then less of what doesn’t?

You need to tap into your happy hormones which are:

Dopamine - movement (you can also get it from dark chocolate and coffee)

Can you add a walk into your everyday

Oxytocin - Connection - can you surround yourself with more people in order to get connection, hugs, love and affection

Serotonin - 90% of the serotonin is released in your gut! So in order to feel better you need to eat well. There is a reason your gut is called your second brain

Endorphins - Getting outside and getting fresh air! Can some of your dopamine be attained whilst you are outside

Generally speaking, men struggle to open up, be vulnerable in front of their friends and talk about their mental health - why?

It’s due to society, culture and biology!

Society - Men don’t get the same result from other men when they do open up!

Culturally - Men have always been told to have a stiff upper lip and to not show any emotion! They need to be strong, to be brave, to be the shoulder to cry on. Culturally men are supposed to be the strong one not the one who shows any sign of “weakness”

Biology - Women are 70% more capable at understanding emotion and reading a situation emotionally compared to men

The power of being part of a community - why do we need to find a Safe Space?

People find comfort in being part of a group as they realise that they are not alone in the way that they feel. They don’t feel “strange” for feeling a certain way as that feeling becomes more normal as you realise other people also feel those feelings.

We are in a world where the statistics of loneliness are going up, we have never been more connected with our phones and social media at the moment but at the same time we are increasingly more lonely due to that lack of face to face interaction. Safe space is on a mission to combat the loneliness stat and get people to connect, share and enjoy life as a community


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